Plán oblasti povodí Dyje Czech English

Water planning is, according to § 23 the Act No. 254/2001 Coll. regarding waters - as amended, a constantly conceptual activity supported by the state, the purpose of which is to define and harmonize public interests in the areas of:

  • protection of waters as part of environment,
  • protection against floods and other detrimental effects caused by water,
  • sustainable use of water resources and water management concerning provision of water services, especially those pertaining to the supply of potable water.

The Dyje River Basin Plan was developed in the period of 2005 to 2009 in accordance with the Act No 142/2005 Coll. concerning water planning, which has set boundaries for the Plan, method of its development, and procedures regarding deliberations and approvals. The relevant authorities of the Olomouc, Zlín, Southern-Moravian, Pardubice, Southern-Bohemian and Vysočina Regions approved the final version of the Plan in accordance with their sphere of responsibilities at the end of the year of 2009. The Regional Councils then issued regulation concerning parts of the Plan that are compulsory to their individual administration districts.

The approved the Dyje River Basin Plan is accessible to the public for the time of its duration in the documentary form at the above Regions and the River Basin Management company. It is also available in an electronic form on the public service portal and the website of Morava River Basin Management.

The main goal of the Plan is to prevent further deterioration of its current water condition and achieve good water status in all water bodies within the Basin, to achieve priority dangerous substances elimination, if present, and contents of nutrients reduction. This would eventually reflect in a reduced concentration of these substances in marine environment so that the values would be closer to the natural occurrence. Good water status should be achieved by the year 2015 with a possibility of a time-shift (under certain conditions and circumstances) until 2027.

The Plan further offers an assessment of the current condition of surface and ground waters and a programme of measures included in Lists of Measures. The Programme of Measures is set on the basis of evaluation of water conditions, future water uses, strategies on financing of measures and goals, as set by the Plan for the main river basins in the Czech Republic.

The Dyje River Basin Plan was developed by the state owned company Morava River Basin in cooperation with the Regional Offices of the Olomouc, Zlín, Southern-Moravian, Pardubice Southern-Bohemian and Vysočina Regions and central water management authorities. The Plan was produced by the company Pöyry Environment, Brno with the assistance of the Water Research Institute, company Water-management and Development and DHI company. Development of the Plan was further assisted by a number of other institutions, organisations, and offices active in the field of water management and environment, and general public involved in the process.